A Plus, Inc, Insulation Materials, Decatur, GA

Lennox - H7264 - Glass Enclosure Panel - Various

Product ID: H7264

Manufacturer: Lennox Hearth Products

Price: $380.00

Availability: Lennox is currently way behind on shipments - 8 to 10 weeks average

Shipping: Freight Included

Lennox - H7264 - Glass Enclosure Panel - Used for Lennox Fireplace models: MLBV-35, MLDVT-35, MLDVTCD-35 and Superior fireplace models: SLBV-35 and SLDVT-35

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Lennox - H7264 - Glass Enclosure Panel - Used for Lennox Fireplace models: MLBV-35, MLDVT-35, MLDVTCD-35 and Superior fireplace models: SLBV-35 and SLDVT-35

Weight 26.00 lbs
Height 0.00
Width 0.00
Length 0.00