A Plus, Inc, Insulation Materials, Decatur, GA

Lennox - H8122 - Glass Enclosure Panel - SSDVPF / SSDVST

Product ID: H3724

Manufacturer: Lennox Hearth Products

Price: $299.00

Availability: No Longer Available For Sale

Shipping: Freight Included

Lennox - H8122 - Glass Enclosure Panel - Used for Superior Fireplace models SSDVPF & SSDVST - 2 each are required for the set - Old part # H3724

No Longer Available For Sale

Lennox - H8122 - Glass Enclosure Panel - Used for Superior Fireplace models SSDVPF & SSDVST - 2 each are required for the set - Old part # H3724

Weight 37.00 lbs
Height 0.00
Width 0.00
Length 0.00