Lennox - 12M08 38ABF-BB 38" Aluminum Bi-Fold Door - Brass - Used for Lennox fireplace models: CPF-38 and CST-38 and Superior Fireplace Models: BCF 3885 , BRF 3875 , BRFI 3875, CF 3860, CPF, CST (after 8/2000), GHC-6500EN, GHC-6500EP, GHC-6500N, GHC-6500P, GRD-6500EN, GRD-6500EP, GRD-6500N, GRD-6500P, HC 3820, HC 3820A, KC-38-3, KC-38C, KR-38, KR-38-2, KR-38-3, KR-38C and CST before August 2000 - Part # / Catalog #: 052011, 051991, 11M96, 037631, 65995,11M94, 037633, 065993, 016811, 052011, 051991, 059361, 059362, 059351/H, 059352/H, 059381, 059382/H, 059371, 059372, 011402, 036532, 064478, 044555, 044553, 056373, 064477, 044557 and 051991 - check year of MFG, if it is a wood burning fireplace which was manufactured before August 2000, a door track kit may be required. We offer this door with a track kit in combination.